Friday, May 19

May 19th Update

Here's what you can ask your 3rd grader about:
* Starting off our day with morning work - analogies, brain teasers and handwriting practice
* Watching "Corey the Dribbler" (a former Harlem Globetrotter) and being reminded of respect at an assembly
* Attending an all 3rd grade Child Protection assembly with Ms.Fenske and Mr.Wiza
* Singing "Sky Full of Stars" as a whole school surprise for Ms.Hamilton
* Finishing homework practice on making inferences; next is drawing conclusions
* Practicing reading comprehension and skills as well as building vocabulary on MobyMax
* Finishing our persuasive writing assignments with the Great Chocolate Milk Debate - ask your 3rd grade to show you their writing on google docs
* Learning about poetry and figurative language
* Writing different types of poems
* Publishing a poem of their choice 
* Participating in a poetry share
* Continuing with Module 5 on Fractions - NF.1 (understanding a fraction as part of a whole), NF.3 (comparing fractions)
* Continuing our unit on economics in social studies by learning about how to start a business
* Creating business ideas and sharing with them with our classmates
* Getting more math practice on Moby Max and Zearn 
* Learning about simple machines, force and motion in science
* Participating in "Geared Up" (an Oak Park Education Foundation program) to learn about how each simple machine works by using legos to construct a lever, pulley, wheel and axle
* Continuing to keep up with current events with Time for Kids 
* Finishing 2nd Step lessons
* Writing acrostic 2nd Step poems as a celebration
* Reading with our first grade buddies

Upcoming Events and Dates:
* Monday, May 29th is Memorial Day. There is no school.
* Wednesday, May 31st is the 3rd Grade Picnic at Maple Park. We will be at the park from 10am-1pm. If you are planning to stop by the picnic, please make sure you have completed your background check at the district office.
* Thursday, June 1st is our last field trip. We are taking the architecture boat tour of Chicago. Please make sure your 3rd grader dresses appropriately for the weather as we will be outside all day. Students should bring a nut-free bag lunch with no bottles.
* Friday, June 2nd is iPad Collection day for our 3rd graders. They should bring their chargers to school.
* Tuesday, June 6th is Olympic Day.
* Wednesday, June 7th is the last day of school. Dismissal is at 1:55pm.

Friday, April 28

April 28th Update

Here's what you can ask your 3rd grader about:
* Starting off our day with morning work - analogies, brain teasers and handwriting practice
* Taking the MAP Reading Test
* Continuing with  "Making Inferences and Drawing Conclusions" language arts homework books - students have expressed that they are really enjoying practicing the skill of making inferences
* Doing learning goal presentations and teaching each other about lots of interesting topics
* Practicing reading comprehension and skills as well as building vocabulary on MobyMax
* Continuing with Persuasive Text writing with mini-lessons on developing ideas, writing a thesis, gathering reasons and evidence to support your thesis, and considering your audience 
* Listening to persuasive speakers who are noteworthy and help others like Barack Obama and Malala Yousafzai
* Reading articles, establishing our viewpoint/opinion and organizing our ideas in Persuasion Map about unrecycled plastics in the Great Pacific Garbage Patch and whether smarter school designs help kids to be more active and healthier
* Starting our culminating persuasive writing assignment on the Great Chocolate Milk Debate - Should chocolate milk be allowed in school lunches?
* Continuing poetry with learning about different types of figurative language 
* Reading a variety of poems, distinguishing between similes and metaphors 
* Completing Module 4 (Area - MD.5, MD.6, MD.7) with the End-of-Module Task
* Starting Module 5 on Fractions - G.2 (partitioning shapes into equal parts), NF.1 (understanding a fraction as part of a whole), NF.3 (comparing fractions)
* Starting our unit on economics in social studies (saving for college, advice from the sharks, stock market)
* Getting more math practice on Moby Max and Zearn 
* Continuing to keep up with current events with Time for Kids 
* Learning about negative peer pressure and solving problems in class during 2nd Step 
* Reading with our first grade buddies

Upcoming Events and Dates:
* Tuesday, May 2nd is the Learning Goal Fair is 6:30-7:30pm.
* Wednesday, May 31st is the 3rd Grade Picnic at Maple Park. Look for more information closer to the event.
* Thursday, June 1st is our last field trip. Permission slips are due May 5th. 
* Tuesday, June 6th is Olympic Day.
* Wednesday, June 7th is the last day of school.

Thursday, April 13

April 13th Update

Here's what you can ask your 3rd grader about:
* Starting off our day with morning work - analogies, brain teasers and handwriting practice
* Starting  "Making Inferences and Drawing Conclusions" language arts homework books - students enjoyed reading the informational text paragraphs and practicing the skill of summarizing
* Practicing reading comprehension and skills as well as building vocabulary on MobyMax
* Finishing our Informational Text writing unit with our chapter books - students chose the topic they wanted to learn more about and created a chapter book using google docs
* Starting our Persuasive Text writing 
* Reviewing reading strategies - interpreting figurative language, distinguishing between real and make-believe
* Reading Treasures stories called "Castle on Viola Street" (realistic fiction) "Out of the World" (biography) and working on reading comprehension skills
* Starting poetry
* Reading "What's in the Sky?" for guided reading 
* Building vocabulary by reviewing the prefixes ex- (out), sub- (under, below), co- and con- (with, together), in-, il- im- (not)
* Continuing with Module 4 (Area - MD.5, MD.6, MD.7) by understanding area as an attribute of plane figures, decomposing and recomposing shapes to compare areas, relating side lengths with the number of tiles on a side, interpreting area models to form rectangular arrays and finding the area of a rectangle through multiplication of the side length
* Taking the Module 4 Mid-Module Task - graded papers were sent home for signatures
* Getting more math practice on Moby Max and Zearn 
* Doing MARS task called "Clubhouse Plans" (using area and perimeter)
* Continuing to keep up with current events with Time for Kids 
* Learning to solve problems during 2nd Step 
* Reading with our first grade buddies

Upcoming Events and Dates:
* Friday, April 14th is a day off from school.
* Monday, April 17th is the due date for the Learning Goal Project. Students will present their projects to an audience of their peers over the next 2 weeks.
* Tuesday, May 2nd is the Learning Goal Fair is 6:30-7:30pm.
* Wednesday, May 31st is the 3rd Grade Picnic at Maple Park. Look for more information closer to the event.
* Thursday, June 1st is our last field trip. Look for more information closer to the field trip.
* Tuesday, June 6th is Olympic Day.
* Wednesday, June 7th is the last day of school.

Wednesday, March 22

March 22nd Update

Here's what you can ask your 3rd grader about:
* Starting off our day with morning work - analogies, brain teasers and word benders
* Finishing "Main Idea and Summarizing" language arts homework books - students enjoyed reading the informational text paragraphs and practicing the skill of summarizing
* Practicing reading comprehension and skills as well as building vocabulary on MobyMax
* Finishing our Chicago Fire unit with the research simulation task - students used multiple sources to research, take notes and create a google presentation about the fire. Students received feedback via email from me and brought home their rubrics for the project.
* Getting really close to finishing our Informational Text writing unit with our chapter books - students chose the topic they wanted to learn more about and created a chapter book using google docs
* Reviewing reading strategies - identifying author's purpose
* Building vocabulary by learning about the prefixes ex- (out), sub- (under, below), co- and con- (with, together)
Continuing grammar with subject-verb agreement 
* Continuing spelling with prefixes (re-, un-, pre-, mis-), words with oi and oy)
* Finishing module 3 with the End of Module Assessment (OA.3, OA.4, OA.5, OA.7, OA.8, OA.9, NBT.3) and doing self-reflections with these summative assessments - when the assessments go home after break, please remember to sign and return the graded assessments
* Learning order of operations (PEMDAS)
* Starting Module 4 (Area - MD.5, MD.6, MD.7) by understanding area as an attribute of plane figures, decomposing and recomposing shapes to compare areas, relating side lengths with the number of tiles on a side, interpreting area models to form rectangular arrays and finding the area of a rectangle through multiplication of the side length
* Taking the Module 4 Mid-Module Task 
* Getting more math practice on Moby Max and Zearn 
* Doing MARS task called "Finding the Missing Numbers" (use number operations), "Basketball Scores" (solve number problems)
* Doing the "Water and Climate" unit in science - doing investigations+tutorials, watching videos and reading texts to learn about water, weather, climate 
* Continuing to keep up with current events with our Time for Kids subscription
* Learning to solve problems during 2nd Step 
* Reading with our first grade buddies

Upcoming Events and Dates:
* Friday, March 24th is the day report cards go home and the start of spring break.
* Monday, April 3rd is the first day of school after spring break.
* Tuesday, April 4th is Institute Day. There is no school for students.
* Friday, April 7th is Lincoln School's SpellCheck. Information, lists and buttons went home today.
* Friday, April 14th is a day off from school.
* Monday, April 17th is the due date for the Learning Goal Project. Students will present their projects to an audience of their peers throughout the week.
* Tuesday, May 2nd is the Learning Goal Fair in the evening. Look for more details closer to the event.
* Wednesday, May 31st is the 3rd Grade Picnic at Maple Park. Look for more information closer to the event.
* Thursday, June 1st is our last field trip. Look for more information closer to the field trip.
* Tuesday, June 6th is Olympic Day.
* Wednesday, June 7th is the last day of school.

Friday, February 24

February 24th Update

Here's what you can ask your 3rd grader about:
* Starting off our day with morning work - analogies, brain teasers, PARCC math questions
* Continuing language arts homework with the blue "Main Idea and Summarizing" booklets and practicing summarizing with main idea and key details
* Practicing reading comprehension and skills as well as building vocabulary on MobyMax
* Reading an information text titled "Making Good Use of Garbage" and working with two-part questions about main idea, meaning of words in context and summarizing (RI.1, RI.2, RI.4)
* Reading a fairy tale titled "The Princess on the Mountaintop" and working with two-part questions about characters, meaning of words in context and comprehension (RL.1, RL.3, RL.4)
* Reading an informational text titled "What is Pluto?" and working with two-part questions about main idea, author's purpose, meaning of words in context and writing a brief contrast/compare essay (RI.1, RI.2, RI.4, RI.6)
* Reading the book titled "The Other Side" and doing a narrative writing task (RL.1, RL.3, RL.5, RL.6, RL.10) 
* Doing our second assignment on Google classroom - a research simulation task on the Great Chicago Fire 
* Creating a multimedia presentation on the Great Chicago Fire by collecting information from resources that include videos, an interactive website and an article (RI.1, RI.2, RI.4, RI.5, RI.9, W.6, W.7, W.8, L.2, L.6)
* Researching and writing our informational writing books on Google docs during writer's workshop 
* Continuing module 3 in math by using multiplication and division within 100 to solve problems (OA.3), determining the unknown in a multiplication and division equation (OA.4), using the commutative property to find facts (OA.5), using the distributive property to solve facts (OA.5), using the associative property of multiplication (OA.5), using the strategy of making ten to find facts (OA.5), multiplying and dividing within 100 (OA.7), solving two-step problems (OA.8), finding patterns in multiplication tables (OA.9)
* Taking Mid-Module Task (OA.3, OA.4, OA.5, OA.9) and doing self-reflections with these formative assessments - please remember to sign and return the graded assessments
* Warming up with sprints, fluency practice and math talks during math
* Getting more math practice on Moby Max and Zearn 
* Doing MARS task called "Toys for Sale" (this problem gives students a chance to solve everyday problems)
* Continuing with Typing Training to learn keyboarding
* Learning to manage anger and hurt feelings during 2nd Step 

Upcoming Events and Dates:
* Monday, March 6th is the start of PARCC testing for 3rd grade.
* Friday, March 10th is the end of Trimester 2.
* Friday, March 24th is the day report cards go home and the start of spring break.

Friday, February 10

February 10th Update

Here's what you can ask your 3rd grader about:
* Starting off our day with morning work - analogies, brain teasers, handwriting and reading, Zearn
* Doing the PARCC Infrastructure Trial on chromebooks
* Learning about Groundhog Day and getting a peek at Punxsutawney Phil 
* Comparing the play and the book of "One Hundred Dresses"
* Doing a sharing circle (our hidden talents) with a Smurf
* Continuing language arts homework with the blue "Main Idea and Summarizing" booklets and learning to summarize with main idea and key details
* Practicing reading comprehension and skills as well as building vocabulary on MobyMax
* Working on the reading strategy of distinguishing fact and opinion
* Reading a poem titled "Tree on the Hill" and working with two-part questions about stanzas, theme and figurative language (RL.2, RL.4, RL.5)
* Reading informational text and responding to comprehension questions in our purple books
* Finishing our novel study of the historical fiction novel, "I Survived the Great Chicago Fire, 1871" (RL.1, RL.2, RL.3, RL.4, RL.6, RL.7, RL.10)
* Finishing our read aloud book, "I Survived the Joplin Tornado, 2011"
* Doing a literature comparison of both novels (RL.1, RL.3, RL.4, RL.9, RL.10)
* Doing a character analysis task comparing the main characters and their character traits from both novels (RL.1, RL.3, RL.9, RL.10, W.2, W.4, L.2) - this was our first assignment in our Google Classroom
* Building vocabulary by learning about the prefix ex-, sub-  
Continuing grammar with present verb tense
* Continuing spelling with contractions and r-controlled vowels (ar, or)
* Researching and writing our informational writing books on Google docs during writer's workshop
* Continuing with current events as part of social studies with Time for Kids 
* Continuing module 3 in math by using multiplication and division within 100 to solve problems (OA.3), determining the unknown in a multiplication and division equation (OA.4), using the commutative property to find facts (OA.5), using the distributive property to solve facts (OA.5), using the strategy of making ten to find facts (OA.5), multiplying and dividing within 100 (OA.7)
* Taking Module 3 Topic B Quiz (OA.3, OA.4, OA.5, OA.7) and doing self-reflections with these formative assessments
* Warming up with sprints, fluency practice and math talks during math
* Working on our first problem of the month titled "The Wheel Shop" - we did levels A and B in class, and some of our mathematicians wanted to work on level C at home
* Focusing on the following standards of math practice (in student friendly language) - plan your attack, use pictures or objects to help you make sense of the problem, never give up even if it is really hard
* Getting more math practice on Moby Max, Zearn and Tenmarks
* Doing MARS task called "Goldfish Bowls" (this problem gives students a chance to solve everyday problems)
* Continuing with Typing Training to learn keyboarding
* Learning to handle accusations and manage disappointment during 2nd Step 

Upcoming Events and Dates:
* Monday, February 13th is when the Oak Park Education Foundation is bringing Architecture Adventure to our classroom.
* Tuesday, February 14th is Valentine's Day. We will have our celebration in the morning.
* Thursday, February 16th and Friday, February 17th are half-days of school due to conferences taking place next week. 
* Tuesday, March 7th is the start of PARCC testing for 3rd grade - more information will be coming your way soon.

Thursday, January 26

January 26th Update

Here's what you can ask your 3rd grader about:
* Starting off our day with morning work - analogies, brain teasers, handwriting and reading
* Taking the winter MAP test in reading and math
* Enjoying an Opera for the Young performance titled "The Elixir of Love"
* Continuing language arts homework with the blue "Main Idea and Summarizing" booklets and working on finding the main idea and supporting detail of a short nonfiction text
* Practicing reading comprehension and skills as well as building vocabulary on MobyMax
* Working on the reading strategy of drawing conclusions and making inferences
* Reading a story titled "Galileo: The Man Who Loved to Learn" and working with two-part comprehension questions as well as cause-effect and making inferences(RI.2, RI.3, RI.7)
* Reading informational text and responding to comprehension questions in our purple books
* Starting our Chicago history unit with the Great Chicago Fire in social studies by reading the historical fiction novel, "I Survived the Great Chicago Fire," 
* Watching an interview with the author of the novel to learn about her research process as well as factual background information on the Fire
* Building vocabulary by learning about the prefix im-, il-  
Continuing grammar with action verbs 
* Continuing spelling with contractions and r-controlled vowels (er, ir, ur)
* Determining our table of contents for the informational writing books in progress during writer's workshop
* Continuing with current events as part of social studies with Time for Kids 
* Continuing module 3 in math by using the commutative property to find facts (OA.5), using the distributive property to solve facts (OA.5), using the strategy of making ten to find facts (OA.5), determining the unknown in a multiplication and division equation (OA.4), multiplying and dividing within 100 (OA.7)
* Warming up with sprints, fluency practice and math talks during math
* Getting more math practice on Moby Max, Zearn and Tenmarks
* Doing MARS task called "Patio Plants" (this problem gives students a chance to solve everyday problems)
* Continuing with Typing Training to learn keyboarding
* Learning to manage test anxiety and handle accusations during 2nd Step 

Upcoming Events and Dates:
* Friday, January 27th is Institute Day. There is no school for the students.
* Saturday, February 4th is the Lincoln Carnival.
* Friday, February 10th is our field trip to see the play, "The One Hundred Dresses." Please look for the permission slip to come home soon.
* Thursday, February 16th and Friday, February 17th are half-days of school due to conferences taking place that week. An electronic sign-up for conferences was sent out this morning. Thank you in advance!