Friday, October 14

October 14th Update

Here's what you can ask your 3rd grader about:
* Starting off our day with morning work - analogies, math skills review, brain teasers
* Continuing our language arts homework with making inferences, drawing conclusions, distinguishing between fact and opinion and comparing and contrasting
* Focusing on skills for learning (planning ahead and showing empathy) in 2nd Step  with Mr.Wiza and Ms.Rajashekar 
* Electing student council representatives
* Reading "Encounter," a story about Columbus from the perspective of a Taino boy
* Working on reading comprehension, analyzing characters, figuring out theme and providing text evidence  
* Writing true stories about ourselves in writer's workshop and working on our first piece to publish
* Learning strategies for bringing out our storyteller voice in writer's workshop
* Continuing grammar with compound sentences and spelling with long o and i
* "Building Vocabulary" by dividing and conquering three syllable compound words
* Continuing social studies with reviewing parts of a map, continents and oceans and learning to read maps using cardinal directions
* Learning about seeds as organisms and parts of a seed in science
* Continuing with current events as part of social studies with Time for Kids
* Reading our first chapter read aloud book called "Robi Dobi, The Marvelous Adventures of An Indian Elephant"
* Continuing with our first unit in math with understanding multiplication by thinking about groups of objects (OA.1), understanding division by thinking about how one group can be divided into smaller groups (OA.2), using multiplication and division to solve word problems (OA.3), applying commutative and distributive properties of multiplication to multiply and divide (OA.5) 
* Working with manipulatives to help us in our understanding of multiplication and division
* Warming up with bubbles, group counting and math talks during math
* Getting more math practice on Zearn and Tenmarks
* Setting up our iPads with gmail and using them in class

Upcoming Events and Dates:
* Thursday, October 20th is a half-day for parent-teacher conferences. Dismissal is at 11am.
* Friday, October 21st is a half-day for parent-teacher conferences. Dismissal is at 11am.
* Monday, October 24th is the day that our 3rd graders will start bringing home their iPads and that will begin their nightly homework of charging their iPads at home. They will bring home chargers for their iPads. Please find a safe spot for your third grader to charge their iPads at home nightly and to keep their devices in a safe spot.
* Tuesday, November 15th is our field trip to the Morton Arboretum. Permission slips are going home today.